Tanuki on yellow and burgundy
I started collecting matchbox labels more than 20 years ago. I could never figure out what to do with these little artworks, so I began to make carved and painted backgrounds for the images to live on. The backgrounds are built organically in batches. I gather all my plywood scraps from the studio and paint them. Then I use silk screened patterns to print on the painted wood. Sometimes the overlap of colors and patterns makes really interesting backgrounds. I cut them out on the table saw and finish up the edges. I never really know what will emerge from all the parts.
The handmade wall art is all one-of-a-kind. They integrate my love of screen printing and pattern design with the art of vintage matchbox labels and old advertisements. I call these pieces “Wall Nuggets” and I really enjoy making them. They make a lovely affordable addition to any room that just needs a splash of color and fun.
Vintage matchbox labels, painted and silk screened wood.
7.75" x 9.5" x 1.5"